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The University of Manchester in the UK has launched e-Agri (“smart agriculture”) as a new research initiative. The e-Agri research cluster will integrate advanced research in ICT, sensing, electronics, control and power systems in such a manner as to enable a new future for global agriculture and food security. The objective of this blog is to share the developing strategy and promote new research partnerships.
Increasing and continuing dependence on dwindling petroleum resources has lead to an increase in oil prices and the concentration of green house gases. Thus, it is desirable to make a transition from non-renewable resources to renewable resources such as biofuels (e.g. bioethanol, biodiesel), solar, wind, and hydro.
Bioethanol is believed to have a potential to decrease our dependence on petroleum-derived transportation fuels. Currently, sugarcane in Brazil and corn in the United States are the most commonly used feedstocks for the commercial production of ethanol (first generation biofuels). But their use has been discouraged due to fears that the use of food crops (such as corn and sugarcane) for ethanol production can increase food prices and decrease food supply. However, the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass (second generation biofuels) to ethanol does not create a pressure on existing food or land resources, and therefore presents an ideal opportunity for lucrative commercial bioethanol production.
One source of lignocellulosic biomass is bagasse (the fibrous portion left after stalks of sugarcane are crushed to extract the juice). It has been estimated that with just 50% of the bagasse that is currently being produced from the sugarcane crop in Australia approximately 1.2 billion litres of ethanol can be produced per year. This is equivalent to ~2% of the country’s gasoline consumption in the years 2006.
Hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose in pretreated bagasse requires a number of cellulase and hemicellulase enzymes. The cost of these enzymes is ~30-50 US cents per gallon (~ 10 US cents/ litre) of ethanol and has been as the key barrier to economic production of ethanol from bagasse. Thus, it is necessary to reduce the cost of enzymes for the production of ethanol from bagasse to be economically viable.
It has been suggested that genetically modified (GM) plants which can express multiple cellulases and hemicellulases have the potential to provide lower cost performance cellulosic enzymes. But the concentration of enzymes in different batches of sugarcane is expected to vary with harvesting and cultivation conditions, thereby necessitating the characterization of every batch of cane juice for: 1) Fiscal measures and 2) Process control.
Thus, the aim of this research project is to develop an instrument (called Integrated Cellulase Unit, ICU shown in the figure above) to enable real-time analysis and monitoring of the concentration of multiple cellulases in every incoming batch of GM sugarcane.
ICU Analyser
Research Partners and Principal Contacts
Ms Ruchi Gupta, Syngenta Sensors University Innovation Centre, University of Manchester, UK
Prof Peter Fielden, School of Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK
Prof Nick Goddard, School of Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK
Mr Ian O'Hara, Centre for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities, QUT, Australia
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Research Objectives
The main objective of this project is to investigate and demonstrate the feasibility of using radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting in powering a wireless soil sensor network deployed in an outdoor field. In addition, a proof-of-concept RF energy harvesting device will be designed, built, optimised, and tested in the field.
Research Undertaken (so far)
(I) Investigation Phase
A series of lab and field trials has been conducted using a crude RF energy harvesting model built from commercially-available components – a transmitter and a pair of transmitting and receiving antennas. Performance of both antennas, in term of their gain and return loss, was evaluated inside an anechoic chamber. A field trial was then conducted in an outdoor field at Jealott’s Hill, Berkshire in order to gain a basic insight on the amount of RF energy which could be harvested using the proposed scheme. Trial results showed that this crude model is capable of powering the soil sensor nodes up to a vicinity of 3 metres. Moreover, it is found that the operating range of the proposed system could be further enhanced by:
(i) Using a transmitter with higher output power
(ii) Designing a receiving antenna with higher gain
(iii) Improving the efficiency of the power conversion circuit
(II) Design Phase - Receiving Antenna
Our design is currently focused on receiving antenna component. Receiving antenna is an important element of a RF energy harvesting system. It is responsible for capturing the radiated RF energy in the ambient, thereby affecting the amount of harvestable energy of the system. Microstrip patch antenna (MPA) has been chosen as the receiving antenna of the proposed system due to its low profile, low cost, low weight and ease of fabrication.
Up to date, the suitability of using a printed circuit board (PCB) receiving MPA for the intended RF energy harvesting application was investigated. Performance of a conventional circular microstrip patch antenna using five different PCB materials ranged from low cost fibreglass laminate (FR4) to advanced PTFE based laminates (RT5880, RO3003, RO3006, and RO3006) were evaluated in terms of return loss, radiation efficiency, and gain. Simulations were carried out using CST Microwave Studio to examine the antenna’s performance both in free air and in the presence of different soil conditions. It was found that an enhanced gain circular patch antenna stacked with a ring shaped parasitic radiator using RO3003 substrate could meet the minimum receiving antenna gain requirement (3dB) of the intended application, but with the need of a slight tilt to ensure correct directivity and also with the expenses of higher material and fabrication cost. We are currently investigating a cheaper alternative – an air-substrate-based, folded, MPA with tilted beam capability. Findings on this antenna will be reported in the future.
Next Steps
1) Design of an air substrate based folded MPA.
2) Design of an energy harvesting circuit with energy storage system.
3) Validation of the complete RF energy harvesting system in field.
Research Partners and Principal Contacts
Mr Zhi Wei Sim, Syngenta Sensors University Innovation Centre, University of Manchester, UK
Dr Roger Shuttleworth, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, UK
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Motivation and Drivers
The prevention of yield loss from crop disease is a key factor in delivering food security. Existing infection monitoring programmes, based upon field-walking by agronomists or aerial/satellite imaging, are invariably too late to effect a remedial treatment. This project aims to deliver a wide-area network of pathogen specific sensors which will detect spore growth early enough to secure yields, but with minimum fungicide input.
The project will develop an in-field pathogen sensor. In this way local detection and treatment can be delivered at the farm level as well as wide-area, real-time, tracking / forecasting of disease progress.
Expected End Result
Crop yield protection from minimum fungicide input.
Research Undertaken so Far
Initial target pathogen and an exemplar crop have been identified for the early adoption of a technology platform. Business models scenarios developed for delivering maximum returns for growers through an integrated fungal detection and treatment service have been investigated. Pathogen / host interaction mechanism for a demonstrator disease has been developed.
Next Steps
Delivery (within 6 months) of a laboratory prototype sensor for a demonstrator fungal pathogen. Further validation and enhancement of the business offer with farmers prior to in-field testing. Identification of alternative pathogen / host relationships for broadening of the technology platform and research programme. Partners are sought to assist with these next steps, especially with respect to: co-creation of business models with retailers; alliances with telecoms providers; or early uptake trials with growers.
Research Partners and Principal Contacts
Prof Mike Turner, Organic Materials Innovation Centre, University of Manchester, UK
Dr Jon West, Rothamsted Research, UK
Dr Kim Hammond-Kosack, Rothamsted Research, UK
Dr Sarah Perfect, Jealotts Hill International Research Centre, Syngenta, UK
Tom Robinson, Syngenta Crop Protection (Fulbourn), UK
Dr Andrew Garman, Q-Futures, UK
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To achieve ownership and rapid delivery it is proposed that the initiative be hosted by the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (, as its 6 core research groups incorporate a significant number of the essential academic skills. The introduction of e-Agri technologies into Agri-Food research, products and services will require new academic partnerships to be fostered across the University and elsewhere. In parallel, to achieve commercial uptake of these disruptive technologies, it will be essential to develop complementary inter faculty research partnerships, notably with the Business School. The activity will be managed by a cross disciplinary, industry and academic, Steering Team which will also be tasked with delivering the longer term e-Agri strategy.
Further details on the current portfolio of research platforms will be posted on this blog on regular basis, so as to elicit a dialogue from potential research partners and beneficiaries. This initial post is to start a dialogue on the strategy and help identify potential industrial and academic partners.